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Sleeping Disorders. what?Why? how?

Playing the Flute

Sleep disorders are psychological problems that affect normal sleep. Regardless of whether the sleep disturbances are caused by health problems or stress. More than 70 percent of high school students from trusted sources reported getting less than eight hours of sleep on weeknights.


If you want to feel energized and perform well the next day, you need to get enough sleep. You'll be able to focus, remember well, and be creative and motivated. In addition, sleep also plays an important role in weight maintenance because it controls our appetite hormones. In fact, our short - and long-term health, and all of our performance, depends on how well we sleep. Since we know that sleep is so important, it's likely that it can also be very stressful, especially if you don't sleep well.


9 strategies to get you sleep quick and successfully fight sleeping disorders


















Change Your Way of Thinking

Try a change of mindset. Don't always think: I can't sleep tonight, tomorrow is a tough day. Tell yourself that you are aware of the possibility that a poor night's sleep will adversely affect the next day. Then, stop thinking about it. Don't get caught up in it.


Accept the fact that you won't be able to sleep

One of the biggest problems with insomnia is that the more people struggle to sleep, the less they fall asleep. So, we have to accept that we can't sleep in the middle of the night, and gradually, there will be drowsiness.


Learning to relax

Having trouble sleeping definitely sucks, but learn to relax. Instead of struggling with your worries, sit back and relax and see what happens.


Turn negatives into positives

For example, if you have an important speech or presentation to give tomorrow, you might feel anxious and not sleep well as a result. Tell yourself that the worry is normal and simply try to welcome and cherish it instead of trying to drive it away.


Try to stay regular

Some people go to bed early because they worry about losing sleep. Meanwhile, some people put off going to bed because they're afraid they won't be able to fall asleep. Neither is good for you, and it may also cause a kind of "sleep jet lag." The best thing to do is to keep a regular bedtime and wake up time. This is very important.


The practice of mindfulness

People choose a quiet place, such as a park bench, to quietly practice mindfulness, to feel everything around them: the breeze, the wood beneath them, the feeling of your breath, for example. Mindfulness helps you sleep well at night and banishes negative emotions.


Think about what's most important to you

Many people with insomnia stop going about their daily lives in order to get a good night's sleep. They stop socializing with friends and are afraid to catch a morning flight. Experts advise against this. He advises people to go about their lives normally and focus on what's more important to them, even if they don't get a good night's sleep. In this way, you will no longer hate insomnia. The benefit is that you reduce the struggle and increase your chances of getting a good night's sleep.


Avoid caffeinated beverages in the afternoon

Many people have the wrong idea about coffee drinks. Caffeine can stay in the body for a long period time. If you drink coffee at 12 p.m., by 6 p.m., half of the caffeine in your body will still be undigested, and by 12 a.m., a quarter will be left. So, if you want to drink coffee, try drinking it early to avoid disturbing your sleep.





















Stay in bed

If you wake up in the middle of the night, the most important thing is actually to lie in bed and rest. Don't check your phone: The blue light from your phone immediately activates light-sensitive cells in your eyes, waking you up and suppressing the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. But you can go to the bathroom if you need to. But when I get back to bed, I change my position and go back to sleep.


Sleeping Cat
Coffee Hearts
A Natural Girl

Month of Recommend

The Sleep Solution is a journey of self-discovery about sleep, according to neurologist and sleep specialist W. Chris Winter has an interesting guide to quality sleep. He hits the nail on the head with the causes of sleep disorders and offers the most natural remedies that can help us take control of our sleep quality and tailor sleep solutions to our lifestyle. Following this book, you will:

  • Understand how sleep works and how food, light and other active factors affect sleep.

  • Find out why sleeping pills are often misunderstood and mistaken, and how you can sleep more efficiently without taking them.

  • Whether you're a shift worker, a student, or an exhausted parent, you can help yourself get a healthy night's sleep (including naps).

  • Think outside the box to better understand things like insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

  • Master sleep techniques and learn how they can help you overcome sleep problems.

  • Bringing together a wealth of self-testing and cutting-edge medical research, W. Chris Winter takes you beyond your sleep problems and embraces a more productive day.

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