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What is Anxiety?

First, anxiety is not always an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a normal response to stress and can be beneficial in some circumstances. It can alert us to dangerous situations and help us prepare for and prevent them. The occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxiety is the relatives or their own life safety, the future and fate of excessive worry and produced a kind of irritable mood. It contains anxious, anxious, sad, nervous, panic, restless and other components. It is associated with critical situations and events that are difficult to predict and deal with. After a while, the anxiety may go away. Some people do not have objective reasons and are in a state of anxiety for a long time, often for no reason to fear disaster, worry about suffering from incurable serious disease, resulting in restless, anxious and other symptoms. This abnormal anxiety, is a manifestation of mental illness.



Different from pathological anxiety, realistic anxiety is a kind of emotional response to the potential challenge or threat of reality, and this emotional response is adapted to the reality of the threat, is a person's general response when facing events or situations beyond his control. The characteristic is that the intensity of anxiety is consistent with the degree of realistic threat, and disappears with the disappearance of realistic threat, so it has adaptive significance. It is beneficial for individuals to mobilize their physical potential and resources to deal with the real threat, and gradually achieve the sense of control and effective problem-solving measures needed to deal with the challenge, until the real threat is controlled or eliminated. Therefore, realistic anxiety is the basic emotional response for human adaptation and problem solving. It is a kind of emotional and behavioral response to adapt and deal with the environment formed in the course of human evolution.























Pathological anxiety refers to the continuous feeling of nervousness without specific reasons, or the premonition of disaster, threat or impending disaster without practical basis, accompanied by obvious autonomic nervous dysfunction and motor anxiety, often accompanied by subjective pain or impaired social function.

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Cable Cars

Start Where You are

This book uses quotes from writers, artists, and celebrities, along with open-ended questions and tips, to remind readers to reorganize their lives. Clarify the confusion in life, and guide the reader to explore the heart, truly, deeply, to know themselves

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