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The Law of Attraction is a philosophy that believes that thought is an energy that can bring into our lives whatever we care about. We and our thoughts and everything around you are energy. What we can see, hear, touch and smell are all produced by vibrations at different wavelengths and frequencies. Regardless of our nationality, age, religion, etc., we are all affected by the laws of the universe. The law of attraction is to use this energy to make manifest what we believe into reality. If you focus on the negative, you will face a cloud in your life. If you focus on positive thoughts and have a purpose and vision for your life, you will find different ways to solve problems and achieve your purpose and vision.

Practice the Law of Attraction


There are many ways to increase your vibration rate. There is no exact way to increase your frequency, however, you create your reality, and what you focus on is what you believe will happen in your life. The Law of Attraction may not help you solve all of life's problems, but it can help you look at life with optimism and keep moving toward your goals.


  • Be grateful: thank your family and friends for everything they do for you; Thank you for where you live, every opportunity, etc.

  • Listen to Your Favorite Music: Experiencing the frequencies and vibrations of sound through your ears can increase your passion of life through music.

  • Meditation: Meditation clears out the clutter of thoughts and allows you to visualize your vision, vision, and goals for life. It focuses your mind on the life you want to live.

  • Be aware of your current emotions. Be aware of your current feelings and feelings. If they are negative emotions and thoughts, remove them as soon as possible.

  • Don't complain: look for positive cues and focus on what you want to do. If you have negative thoughts all the time, you give that negative thought the right, and you attract negative energy.

  • Write down what type of lifestyle you want and imagine it

  • Use positive affirmations: Positive affirmations can change your vibrational rate.

  • Look for the positive

  • Learn to recognize negative thoughts

  • Use positive thoughts to reframe negative events


Setting Goals


For your dreams to translate into reality, you need to know what is your dream life and what is your goal?


  • Set goals: Decide what your goals are, make sure what you're really looking for, set incentives, and get to the bottom of why this goal is important to you.

  • Write down your goals: Writing down your goals increases your chances of sticking to them. Keep a card with you about what you really want.

  • Tell people close to you about your goal: Telling people close to you about your goal increases your chances of sticking to it. If this person is going to deny or criticize you, find someone else or keep it to yourself.

  • Break your goals down into smaller, measurable, actionable tasks that will help you work toward your larger goals.

  • Do it now!!! For must people, the first step is the hardest of all, however, don't put it off. If you take the first step, you will continue to complete it.


The Power of Imagination


Use your imagination to feel your goals and manifest your expectations. After you write down all your goals, sit down, be relaxed and imagine the scene that you have achieved all your goals. Imagine the process, the feeling, the joy of accomplishing it.


Don't worry about achieving your goals or your big picture. Doubt will hinder your creativity. When you write down that your goal is already on the way to achieving your goal, the universe will show you all the ways and routes at the right time. You just have to keep at it. When you start to doubt, your vibrational rate drops.


The law of attraction, the secret, but imagination alone is not enough. When you have this vision in your head, the next step is to act on your intuition, because this intuition is propelled by cosmic energy or guided by your higher self. Intuition and subconscious mind will work together to guide you step by step until you reach your goal, so it makes sense to pay attention to your inner voice during this process. When you're confused, meditate on your expectations, your goals.



How long will it take to achieve the goal


Some people may ask how long it takes to achieve your goal, depending on your vibration rate, if you vibrate higher, you will be able to move into a positive vibration mode and achieve your goal faster. If the vibration frequency is low, practice increasing your vibration frequency. It can be a daily repetition that guides the visualization of your goal, or it can be a visual image that you can create and save somewhere you can see it every day.


You can attract whatever you want, and what you attract is proportional to the vibrations you send out in the universe.


Month of Recommend.

This book is a journey of discovery, under the spiritual guidance of the author, you will be amazed to find that your mind has control or thoughts that have been living in the worry of time, which can prevent you from getting rid of the inner pain. But in reality, we can only live in the present, in the present, everything is happening, and the past and the future are just a simple concept of time.

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